Consolas Font Free Mac카테고리 없음 2020. 10. 27. 09:25
Dec 17, 2018 One other fonts from the exact same team are Calibri, Candara, Consolas, Constantia and Corbel. Cambria Font Free Download. An unrelated font using the Cambria identify was developed by kind designer Ian Koshnick in 1989 for his program publishing firm, Cambria Publishing. Looking for Mac fonts? Click to find the best 66 free fonts in the Mac style. Every font is free to download! Consolas font family.; 2 minutes to read; In this article Overview. Consolas is aimed for use in programming environments and other circumstances where a monospaced font is specified. All characters have the same width, like old typewriters, making it a.
Abadi MT Minion Web Agency FB Aharoni Bold Aldhabi Algerian Almanac MT American Uncial Andale Mono Andalus Andy AngsanaUPC Angsana New Aparajita Arabic Transparent Arabic Typesetting Arial Arial Black Arial Narrow Arial Narrow Special Arial Rounded MT Arial Special Arial Unicode MS Augsburger Initials Avenir Next LT Pro B
Bahnschrift Baskerville Old Face Batang & BatangChe Bauhaus 93 Beesknees ITC Bell MT Bembo Berlin Sans FB Bernard MT Condensed Bickley Script Biome BIZ UDGothic BIZ UDMincho Medium Blackadder ITC Bodoni MT Bodoni MT Condensed Bon Apetit MT Bookman Old Style Bookshelf Symbol Book Antiqua Bradley Hand ITC Braggadocio BriemScript Britannic Bold Broadway BrowalliaUPC Browallia New Brush Script MT C
Calibri Californian FB Calisto MT Cambria Cambria Math Candara Cariadings Castellar Cavolini Centaur Century Century Gothic Century Schoolbook Chiller Colonna MT Comic Sans MS Consolas Constantia Contemporary Brush Cooper Black Copperplate Gothic Corbel CordiaUPC Cordia New Courier New Curlz MT D
Dante DaunPenh David Daytona Desdemona DFKai-SB DilleniaUPC Directions MT DokChampa Dotum & DotumChe E
Ebrima Eckmann Edda Edwardian Script ITC Elephant Engravers MT Enviro Eras ITC Estrangelo Edessa EucrosiaUPC Euphemia Eurostile F
FangSong Felix Titling Fine Hand Fixed Miriam Transparent Flexure Footlight MT Forte Franklin Gothic Franklin Gothic Medium FrankRuehl FreesiaUPC Freestyle Script French Script MT Futura G
Gabriola Gadugi Garamond Garamond MT Gautami Georgia Georgia Ref Gigi Gill Sans MT Gill Sans MT Condensed Gisha Gloucester Goudy Old Style Goudy Stout Gradl Grotesque Gulim & GulimChe Gungsuh & GungsuhChe H
Hadassah Friedlaender Haettenschweiler Harlow Solid Italic Harrington HGGothicE HGMinchoE HGSoeiKakugothicUB High Tower Text Holidays MT HoloLens MDL2 Assets I
Impact Imprint MT Shadow Informal Roman IrisUPC Iskoola Pota J
JasmineUPC Javanese Text Jokerman Juice ITC K
KaiTi Kalinga Kartika Keystrokes MT Khmer UI Kino MT KodchiangUPC Kokila Kristen ITC Kunstler Script L
Lao UI Latha LCD Leelawadee Levenim MT LilyUPC Lucida Blackletter Lucida Bright Lucida Bright Math Lucida Calligraphy Lucida Console Lucida Fax Lucida Handwriting Lucida Sans Lucida Sans Typewriter Lucida Sans Unicode M
Magneto Maiandra GD Malgun Gothic Mangal Map Symbols Marlett Matisse ITC Matura MT Script Capitals McZee Mead Bold Meiryo Mercurius Script MT Bold Microsoft GothicNeo Microsoft Himalaya Microsoft JhengHei Microsoft JhengHei UI Microsoft New Tai Lue Microsoft PhagsPa Microsoft Sans Serif Microsoft Tai Le Microsoft Uighur Microsoft YaHei Microsoft YaHei UI Microsoft Yi Baiti MingLiU MingLiU-ExtB MingLiU_HKSCS MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB Minion Web Miriam Miriam Fixed Mistral Modern Love Modern No. 20 Mongolian Baiti Monotype.com Monotype Corsiva Monotype Sorts MoolBoran MS Gothic MS LineDraw MS Mincho MS Outlook MS PGothic MS PMincho MS Reference MS UI Gothic MT Extra MV Boli Myanmar Text N
Narkisim News Gothic MT New Caledonia Niagara Nirmala UI Nyala O
OCR-B-Digits OCRB OCR A Extended Old English Text MT Onyx P
Palace Script MT Palatino Linotype Papyrus Parade Parchment Parties MT Peignot Medium Pepita MT Perpetua Perpetua Titling MT Placard Condensed Plantagenet Cherokee Playbill PMingLiU PMingLiU-ExtB Poor Richard Posterama Pristina Q
Quire Sans R
Raavi Rage Italic Ransom Ravie RefSpecialty Rockwell Rockwell Nova Rod Runic MT Condensed S
Sabon Next LT Sagona Sakkal Majalla Script MT Bold Segoe Chess Segoe Print Segoe Script Segoe UI Segoe UI Symbol Selawik Shonar Bangla Showcard Gothic Shruti Signs MT SimHei Simplified Arabic Fixed SimSun SimSun-ExtB Sitka NSimSun Snap ITC Sports MT STCaiyun Stencil STFangsong STHupo STKaiti Stop STXihei STXingkai STXinwei STZhongsong Sylfaen Symbol T
Tahoma Tempo Grunge Tempus Sans ITC Temp Installer Font The Hand The Serif Hand Times New Roman Times New Roman Special Tisa Offc Serif Pro Traditional Arabic Transport MT Trebuchet MS Tunga Tw Cen MT U
Univers Urdu Typesetting Utsaah V
Vacation MT Vani Verdana Verdana Ref Vijaya Viner Hand ITC Vivaldi Vixar ASCI Vladimir Script Vrinda W
Walbaum Webdings Westminster Wide Latin Wingdings Consolas Category Monospaced, sans-serif Classification Humanist Designer(s) Luc(as) de Groot Foundry Microsoft License Proprietary Sample Consolas is a monospacedtypeface, designed by Luc(as) de Groot. It is a part of the ClearType Font Collection, a suite of fonts that take advantage of Microsoft's ClearType font rendering technology. It has been included with Windows since Windows Vista, Microsoft Office 2007 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and is available for download from Microsoft. It is the only standard Windows Vista font with a slash through the zero character.
Consolas supports the following OpenType layout features: stylistic alternates, localized forms, uppercase-sensitive forms, oldstyle figures, lining figures, arbitrary fractions, superscript, subscript.
Although Consolas is designed as a replacement for Courier New, only 713 glyphs were initially available, as compared to Courier New (2.90)'s 1318 glyphs. In version 5.22 (included with Windows 7), support for Greek Extended, Combining Diacritical Marks For Symbols, Number Forms, Arrows, Box Drawing, Geometric Shapes was added. In version 5.32 the total number of supported glyphs was 2735.[1] In version 7.00 (as part of Windows 10 1909[2]) there are 3030 glyphs in total.
This font, along with Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Corbel and Constantia, is also distributed with Microsoft Excel Viewer, Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer,[3][4] the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack[5] for Microsoft Windows and the Open XML File Format Converter for Mac.[6]
Consolas is also available for licensing from Ascender Corporation.
Bare Bones Software has licensed the font from Ascender for use in their text editor BBEdit.
Consolas Font Free Mac Free
DMCA Sans Serif is an open source, metric compatible replacement of Consolas, providing 8 font weights as opposed to Consolas' 2 weights, as well as oblique italics. It used to be simply called 'Consolas', but legal reasons promoted the name change to a reference of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.[7]
Inconsolata, an open source font inspired by Consolas, is available on Google Fonts.[8]
See also[edit]
- ^'Consolas - Version 5.32'. web.archive.org. 2016-04-05. Archived from the original on 2020-08-02. Retrieved 2020-08-02.CS1 maint: unfit url (link)
- ^'Font List Windows 10 - Typography'. docs.microsoft.com. Retrieved 2 August 2020.
- ^Excel Viewer
- ^Powerpoint Viewer
- ^Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File Formats
- ^Open XML File Format Converter for Mac 1.2.1
- ^https://typedesign.netlify.app/dmcasansserif.html
- ^'Google Fonts'. Google Fonts. Retrieved 2017-08-11.
Consolas Font Free Mac Download
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Consolas. Consolas Font Free Mac Free
- Van Wagener, Anne (2005-03-04). 'The Next Big Thing in Online Type'. The Design Desk. Poynter Online. Retrieved 2006-06-05.
Consolas Font Free Download Mac
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Consolas&oldid=975192882'